ThinkZone empowers parents and educators to develop foundational skills of children by leveraging accessible tech solutions and community-led interventions.
Our mobile app is a one-stop solution to help educators in developing pedagogy and 21st-century skills. We also support at-home learning for children by assisting parents with simple tech tools.
Academic researchers and independent evaluations have validated that our work has resulted in learning gains among children along with improved educators’ skill sets and parental engagement.

Support educators in enhancing their proficiency in pedagogy and 21st-century skills.

Parent’s Remote Assistance and Knowledge Support for Holistic Advancement of Kids

ThinkZone Mobile Application
For educators(also works without internet)
Home-based Learning
For children via IVRS/SMS/phone calls
Blended Learning Methodology
For training of educators
Extensive Use Of Technology
For tracking learning goals of children,monitoring & support
Focus On Local Solutions
Empowering youth and women from communities to become edu-leaders
Activity-based Teaching Methodology
Via usage of home-based resources for explaining concepts
When it comes to rural education in India, the statistics paint a grim picture. More than 24 million kids aged…….
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed a massive digital divide within India’s education system……
Entrepreneurs, innovators and non-profits are coming up with newer methods of teaching so that students across…..
The COVID-19 crisis has presented the world with unprecedented ….
As classes shifted to virtual environments in India following the COVID-19 lockdown…
COVID-19 and the resultant school closures due to lockdowns……..
Social startups by virtue of their work domains and operational …
A few individuals as well as NGOs are innovating to bridge the …..
When it comes to rural education in India, the statistics paint a grim picture. More than 24 million kids aged…….
The coronavirus pandemic has exposed a massive digital divide within India’s education system……
Entrepreneurs, innovators and non-profits are coming up with newer methods of teaching so that students across…..
The COVID-19 crisis has presented the world with unprecedented ….

“I got to know about the EmpowerEducators program during the outreach program in our community and instantly became interested in being a part of the program as I wanted to build a career in education. “

“I was apprehensive if I would be able to support Sulagna’s learning when I was on-boarded to PRAKASHAK program by Sulagna’s school teacher. But the activities shared on my small phone were so simple and engaging that I started enjoying practicing the same with Sulagna.”

“I was told to remember everything by heart at my school without asking any questions, which I found stifling. I always had doubts but was scared of ridicule by teachers. Children learn best when they enquire and ask questions .”