Digital literacy is the foremost necessity of the 21st-century world. Common people, nation builders and the next generation of modern techno age are in the dire need of proper digital literacy. Digital Literacy is the new life skill of this age. The digital environment is spreading all around the society, hence well settled and comfortable life of all of us is possible only if we will be digitally literate. Digital Literacy is described as creating social mores within individual’s private lives and the ability to reflect on this process using digital tool appropriately. The skill is related to the use of digital technology tools in activities that locate, create, communicate and evaluate etc. Our policymakers are also planning the new courses and forming policies under skill India. To live a prosperous life one must be skilled, so to be skilled is the dire need of this hour. Life skill is the ability that helps in the promotion of social-emotional well-being, and competence in young children to face the realities of life. Digital literacy is the life skill in the present scenario.
Nowadays, educators must be cognizant of promoting digital literacy, putting the proper utilisation of digital tools and technology right on the par with reading and writing. It is very important that the students need to be skilled and familiar with the system they might use. Everyone nowadays are having their own smartphones or tablets, but many people are unaware that it is the starting point where the skills can be developed. Skills like communication skills, browsing skills etc. can be developed and these skills can enhance their confident hence bringing themselves forward before the society.
Fondation Botnar’s Fit4Future initiative gives wing to the voice of the young generation to build a future for themselves and the world. As a part of this initiative, ThinkZone firmly believes in achieving it by solving the grassroot problems. May it be providing quality foundational education to the children to have a brighter future to helping the youth from low resource communities to upskill in every possible area and also to have a secured career. With the help of ThinkZone Mobile Application blended with the online and offline training sessions during the fellowship, we help the youth to gain the basic overall skills, which covers Communication skill, Technical Skills, Management skills, Problem Solving Skills and Digital skills. We believe in the fact that these skills are life changing and one of the most easy and convenient way to shaw our talents and passion to the society.
Now we let’s discuss the importance for today’s Youths to have Digital Literacy. Digital literacy enables Higher order thinking Skills, these skills are transmutable from the tech world to the real world and meet a many of the basic skills required by today’s learning standards. Strong Level of digital literacy creates great way to lear and practise these higher order skills, ranging from students working collectively via a google doc to developing the ability to analyze a lesson and everything in between. ThinkZone doesn’t support the traditional learning tools as it presents tons of barrier to student’s accessibility and connectivity. By Instelling proper digital skills, students can break through these barriers and become producers of knowledge. We encourage students to find out their own learning resources via web, google etc. We all are well aware of the fact that the society and the workspace is becoming highly digitalized. Each and every work done is now with the help of a digital device enabled with internet. It is ThinkZone’s goal to ensure students and youths to have the tool they need to become successful post K-12 citizens, having familiarity with technology. Whether to be working on Microsoft Office, understanding the operating system, or even the simple use of a mouse and keyboard. In todays climate, gaining familiarity with digital device functions and features is synonymous to reading and writing.
Digital Literacy is a life skill in the present era of growing and global educational society. It plays a vital role in our life. In the digital age, these are the types of skills which are essential to sustaining in a modern society. It is the need of the time to be digitally literate and we are continuously working on it. We make sure that each and every youth of the communities get the proper knowledge about the digital device and skill and make the best of it.
In today’s world, youths need skills for working within social networks, pooling knowledge within a collective intelligence, negotiating across cultural differences and reconciling conflicting bits of data to form a cohort picture of the world around them.