Subhalaxmi: From Math Phobic to Teaching Math

Subhalaxmi is a graduate in Arts and currently, as an educator teaches the students enrolled in a primary school. Her interest in education led her to begin teaching children in her locality while pursuing her graduation degree. She shared her side of the story with us quoting “When I was a student, I was very afraid of math. I think it had something to do with my understanding of fundamentals.” Now that she is an educator she could relate the same fear with some of her students but had little idea how to help her students to overcome them. After getting associated with our training program, she learned several methods of activity-based learning incorporating local resources like twigs, pebbles, leaves etc. and other in-house materials to teach students pre-number concepts. It provided an effective solution to overcome these difficulties while teaching her students. Now she says that all of her students who were weak in mathematics have coped with the class and are performing well in school exams. Expressing her gratitude, she says “I am thankful for this opportunity. This has given me the confidence and a desire to create a positive change in my community ”.

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